Shop Talk: Facebook Page Syndication a “Go”
in Pwn All The Things, Shop Talk
I don’t spend much time writing specifically about the act of blogging, but I realize that a lot of folks have found their way to what I’m writing lately because they have tracked me down from my reddit username, because they are even more into blogging than me, or because they’ve clicked through links shared on facebook. While redditors undoubtedly need no primer whatsoever on pwn’ing teh Interwebs (cutting out that cat facts craziness–now that’s another story), I figure those of you committed to facebook or interested in so distributing your blogs might enjoy some shop talk about syndication.
I started a public facebook page a few months ago based on the hunch that there was probably a class of people out there who wanted to “like” a page in order to follow its updates rather than “friend” or subscribe to another facebook user. Sure enough, around 15% of the people who are currently pulling updates from my page right now fall into that very category. To utilize this fact whilst preparing for the inevitable flood of friend requests that will overwhelm my personal profile after I share my research on cold fusion, the cure for cancer, and how to put the toothpaste back in the tube, I decided to syndicate my blog posts straight to my twitter feed and facebook page.
There are a lot of ways to do this, but my favorite one at present utilizes Networked Blogs’ protocol. It’s pretty easy to set up if you want to check it out for your blog. And if you’re a facebooker looking for an even easier way to get to my posts without leaving your comfortable womb of social networking, just click that neat-o little “Blog” icon like so:
This will magically bring you to this part of the page where you can see all the syndicated posts, like so:
And as the French gnome I met at the Starbucks near Chicago and Franklin would put it, c’est tout ce qu’il ya à faire!
Many thanks to Chris Bruno of The Restoration Project and Rose Gardner of for hipping me to this method, and many thanks to Paper Diamond for supplying the soundtrack to the composition of this post through their erstwhile soundcloud account. I gotta a show to catch by my buds of Milwaukee’s I’m Not a Pilot; so, until next time, Shabbat shalom!